The wellness is a combination of personalized health-preserving programs and, in some cases, a combination of cures and treatments.
Wellness has actually existed since the appearance of mankind. Many people think that wellness is just a form of relaxation, nothing more, but not! The purpose of the wellness trend is to prevent the development of diseases and to improve mental and physical fitness and freshness.
Guests usually spend their holidays or rest at a wellness hotel in order to relax from everyday stress and fatigue, and to relax and recharge their bodies and minds.
Everyone, regardless of age and gender, is advised to have a wellness lifestyle and a wellness weekend several times a year. For anyone who wants to feel comfortable in their skin for many, many years.
The humanity knows the health improver effect of massages since ancient times. It has more thousand years history in Europe and Asia and has huge popularity and helpful effects even nowadays.
Aromatic oils affect through the skin, using the sensory-organs of touch and smell. The massage with oil stimulates the circulation, the aromatic oils pampering the body and effect through breathing it.
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